Community Spotlight: Ngozi

Name: Ngozi

Age: 28

Location: London

Role: Participant

What project did you work on?

We wrote about about what we cooked, who we were with, and about ventilation.

How was your experience?

It was good. They came back with questions which meant it wasn’t detailed enough. I was able to compare the results with my friend. Also the device that I was given fell off.

Were there any unexpected or surprising findings that emerged from the project? How did those findings impact your understanding of the topic at hand?

Yes and no. I was surprised about the humidity, it came out quite high. Multiple people cooking in the house increases the humidity. Also when family members didn’t open the window.

Was there any specific outcomes or achievements from your involvement in the project?

Being mindful when you’re cooking e.g. closing the door when cooking. Incense affects your air quality. Also learning that you can get a Dyson air purification system.

Did you feel like your input was valued during the project? 

There wasn’t a time where I didn’t feel heard. When there were problems with the devices the responses were rapid.

What motivated you to participate?

I was motivated by the cash and I was actually curious about the air quality in my household. 

Do you think the impact of the project could be useful for others?

I sent what I learned to my 10 friends and discussions about air quality actually started. It has made us more mindful and made us create habits to improve air quality.

What did it mean to you to be a part of this project?

It was a unique experience. Letting the CVR team into our house was quite intimate but it wasn’t weird because they made us feel comfortable and explained what everything was for.

Were there any unexpected personal or professional benefits that emerged from being involved? 

The cash was a big benefit. I was able to grow my professional network and it was a unique experience.

Did your contributions to the project help you grow as a person or a professional?

Having to commit to something, being consistent and finishing it. It gave possible job opportunities at CVR

Would you recommend participating in something like this to others? Why or why not?

Yes I recommended 2 of her friends. Cash, only good experiences and good people at CVR.

What message would you like to share with future participants?

Get involved, get stuck in.


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