Ella's Law: Establishing Clean Air as a Human Right

Johnny and Serena attended the“Breathe for Ella” event held on London’s Southbank to honour the life of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah to raise awareness about the dangers of air pollution.

Ella was the first person in the UK to have 'air pollution' listed as a cause of death, and the event marked ten years since she passed away at the age of nine.

Hosted by Invisible Dust, a company that brings together leading scientists and artists to create exciting works of art, the event aimed to encourage support for the Clean Air Bill also known as 'Ella's Law'. This legislation is currently being debated in parliament and aims to establish clean air as a human right.

We headed down to Rambert Building, where Dryden Goswin's powerful 'Breathe' animation was projected onto the wall showcasing a series of illustrations of Ella's mother breathing to symbolise gasping for air -  the twenty-metre-high projection could be seen from Waterloo Bridge.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, Doctor Ian Mudway, an air pollution scientist from Imperial College were attendees on the night. The event also included an array of performances from artists, musicians, and poets and members of Ella's family performed songs. Young artists showcased their talents across the night; from spoken word to grime which spoke to their experiences and feelings towards society, air pollution and the government.

Ella's mother - the tireless clean air campaigner Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE gave a powerful speech about the last ten years of campaigning for clean air. Rosamund’s campaigning has involved countless discussions with local authorities and members of parliament which has now culminated in new legislation:

My kids and I hope Ella’s Law will be successfully passed by the House of Commons, as it will save lives and be a fitting way to honour her memory.

"Breathe for Ella" was a powerful reminder of the dangers of air pollution and the urgent need for action to address this issue. By coming together to honour the life of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah and raise awareness about the importance of clean air, we can work towards creating a healthier and safer environment for all.

Over the past two years ClearView has been listening to residents of Southwark and Lambeth to learn directly from them about how they feel about air pollution in their area and clean air solutions. There has been an overwhelming feeling that residents feel like they are not informed enough about air pollution, particularly from local authorities. Residents want more governmental responsibility on educating and raising awareness on air pollution in Southwark and Lambeth. Attending the Breathe For Ella event highlighted the changes that can be made as a result of members of the community demanding action on what matters to them. 


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