Community Spotlight: Ryan

Name: Ryan

Age: 40

Location: London

Role: Facilitator

What did you do?

I was at SOAS University as an independent body to promote a questionnaire to discuss a situation that occurred. We were there to collect feedback to see if the uni was done enough. It wasn’t just students, it was lecturers that took part also.

How was the experience?

At the start it was very difficult, they (the students) were quite standoffish at first because they thought they would get caught out. But when they realised that it was CVR an independent body they were more open to giving feedback.

Were there any unexpected or surprising findings that emerged from the project?

The students just wanted to be heard and they just wanted a voice. It felt like their voices needed to be heard. It was eye opening to hear from different sides of the stories from people that were knowledgeable about the protests and people that had no clue about what was going on.

Did you feel like your input was valued during the project? Were there any moments when you felt particularly engaged or heard?

I was talking to the protesters on a human level understanding their different point of views.

What motivated you to participate in this project? What were you hoping to gain or learn?

I wanted to learn about what drives people to take part in these protests and what they’re fighting for.

Can you speak to the broader impact of the project? How do you think it could be useful for others?

Their voices were heard so it would improve their standards and procedures so there wouldn’t be a toxic relationship between the students and lecturers. It was really interesting for me, and a way to understand people’s views.

Were there any unexpected personal or professional benefits that emerged from your involvement in the project?

That feeling that people appreciated the work that we did and people feeling that they felt heard and you were making a change in people’s lives.

Did your contributions to the project help you grow as a person or a professional?

I have a wider understanding of why certain incidents occur.

Was there anyone involved in the project who had a particularly strong influence on you or your experience?

The guys at CVR were brilliant and the other facilitators we worked with were really cool.

Would you recommend participating in something like this?

Absolutely, it will improve your knowledge and understanding on why certain things occur.

What message would you like to share with future participants? 

Remember every person has a story to tell. Be willing to be open minded and sincere and when you talk to people with empathy and care they will be very willing to reciprocate the same energy.

Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience or the project as a whole?

I would do it again in a heartbeat. I got to understand views and aspects of people’s lives that I wasn't previously exposed to. 


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